
Does early taping have superior outcomes when compared to traditional bracing in ankle rehabilitation?”

Clinical Question: Does early taping have superior outcomes when compared to traditional bracing in ankle rehabilitation? Citation: Lardenoye S, Theunissen E, Cleffken B, Brink PR, de Bie RA, Poeze M. The effect of taping versus semi-rigid bracing on patient outcome and satisfaction in ankle sprains: a prospective, randomized controlled trial. BMC...

Women and Men Use Different Strategies to Stabilize the Head in Response to Impulsive Loads: Implications for Concussion Injury Risk

A concussion is a clinical diagnosis associated with biological, psychological, and social factors. Not only women have up to twice the risk for sports-related concussions than men, but female athletes also take longer to recover from concussions than male athletes.  The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences...

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Choosing a fitting website template is probably the most responsible e-business task of them all… But cheer up, as we’ve prepared a lot of useful tips on this matter for you! Pharmacist searching the right medicine When you need your company to have a new website or if you venture...